Friday, August 7, 2009

Come to Me

When you get tired of working...Come to me
When you get tired of resting....Come to me
When you get tired of Politics...Come to me
When you get tired of boredom...Come to me

It is good to get tired of something
It is good to get bored of the same things
It is this tiredness that brings you to me
It is this boredom that brings you to me

Do not hesitate in coming to me
Do not feel guilty if you have been late

It is never to late
It is never too early
You will come to me when your time has come
You will come to me when you have been riped by time

So what if you have made mistakes
So what if you have done the wrong things knowing that they were wrong
There is no criteria to come to me
There is no reason to come to me

You will come to me because you have to come to me
You will come to me because I want you to come to me

Just know that I am there for you
Just know that I am watching you
Just know that now that you have come to me
Your life is my responsibilty

Do not be insecure
Because you are in security
Because you have come to the MASTER !!!